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Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm tired

It's only Monday and I'm exhausted.
I've slowly been realizing that I have 3 full time jobs.
1: My boring soul sucking day job that last alllllll day
2: mom and wife
3: Fennibird

I'm tired. I'm a lazy person by nature. Having 3 jobs is completely against my nature. I should be sitting on the couch watching vampire shows and eating cheese.  I shouldn't be constantly cooking, cleaning, mommy-ing, creating, accounting, inventory-ing, selling, etc etc etc.  I want to sit by a pool and read a book. Is that too much to ask?
Maybe I should quit one of my jobs. Well obviously number 2 is out. der.
I would LOVE to say "bite me" to numbero uno. But we have to pay the bills yo.
and number 3 is my other baby and my dream is to be so successful I can flip the bird to number one.
So I need to suck it up and work.
but not now...I'm going to bed and eating some chips and reading a book before I pass out.

By the way, I ate some yummy Brussels Sprouts for dinner.  With some broccoli and parsnips. With a splash of fig balsalmic vinegar. De-Lish!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is the time of new beginnings....right?

I've had an extremely crappy winter. I'm so ready for spring. 
Trying to concentrate on learning and making new pretty stuff and maybe finally find that "one thing" that I can call my own.  My husband gave me a few new jewelry ideas that I 'm super excited to try out.
Want a hint?  Recycled broom handles!! What the what? Should be able to finish the first proto type this weekend.

Monday I will find out if I was accepted in one of the first craft shows of the spring. Very nervous but optimistic.  There's another craft show application that opens on April 1st so I'm trying to concentrate on that.
OH and exciting news...
I was invited to be a vendor at the First Annual Central Iowa Yoga Retreat in May! YAY ME!!
Making some yoga and zen inspired jewelry. Ommmmmmm

So busy and exciting spring.
I'm SO ready