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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I would like some cheese with my whine

Thank you very very much Chris, Pam and Scott for soothing my freak out last night.

I cried for a while as I'm known to do. Watched too much TV and then dreamt about resin all night long.
I woke up realizing (with Pam, Chris and Scott's help) that I'm ok. 
I re-resined the poo pieces today.  I don't want to jinx myself but .....THEY ARE FIXED and drying perfectly!!! 
So I freaked out for nothing (another thing I'm known for).

Thank you again!!
Thank you Chris for always being the voice of reason and for being one of my biggest supporters.
Thank you Scott for also being a fan and for making your wife wear my jewelry :) 
And thank you Pam for talking to me as one artist to another and helping me realize we all go through this crap.  And also the very awesome compliment ...warm fuzzy was definately welcomed.

I'll let you all know how the show goes.  Feeling optimistic again :)

Time for the cheddar....

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