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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Facebook Contest

I'm extremely lucky to know some very talented and friendly follow Etsians from the Des Moines area. One of which is Designs by the Wire in Newton, Iowa

The other day, as I'm perusing her facebook page (!/pages/Designs-by-the-Wire/151203648239232), I notice a post about a contest she's having. Basically, if she gets to 200 fans, whoever refered those people to her, gets a prize...a kick ass necklace! I fell in love with the idea and of course immediately suggested her page to all my friends.

I couldn't get the idea out of my head. So today I asked her if I could "steal" the contest idea from her. She said yes she said yes!! This is a great way to promote our Etsy shops and get our names out in the community. So without further ado....I give you....the Fennibird Facebook Contest!!

Here's how it works:

1. If you're not already a Fennibird fan, here's the link:

2. Recommend my page to your friends. Have them "like" my page and post who sent them.

3. I will keep track of who your friends are (a bit of cyber stalking? Yes..but in a good way!)

4. The person who brings the most people to my Fennibird page wins my "Growing Hearts" Necklace shown here:

5. The contest ends at 200 fans (only 135 more to go!)

Thanks to everyone who participates and especially to Designs by the Wire for coming up with such a great idea and for letting me use it! 
Check her out!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Miss Fennibird! Hope that we get a chance to meet one day! Good luck with your contest!
    - Michelle aka Designs by the Wire!
