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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


My beautiful brussels never fail me.  But tonight I had roasted cauliflower instead. It was the bomb diggity.

on to venting....

I've been trying to get ready for a HUGE (huge for me) art show this weekend. I've been pretty proud of myself for not leaving things to the last minute.  Of course I've been agonizing about if I have enough or if it's good enough and second guessing myself and overthinking things. It's what I do.  But in the meantime, I've been plugging away.  In fact, I was so excited to sell a "new" design.  I just knew it was going to get a lot of looks this weekend and especially on Etsy. 
So Monday night I BUSTED ass getting things ready to resin. This is on top of busting ass to prepare the wood which is annoying and time consuming.  Adding the designs is the fun part but after about 50 pieces, even I was getting sick of it.

So today I rush home, prepare the room for the resining.  Got the dehumidifier going, cleaned a perfect space, got my tools and supplies together.  Of course I agonize over the resin because measurements have to be precise. So I worried about that. Then about halfway through, I'm sweating my tush off and the resin is getting thicker and thicker.  Duh!! I'm trying to resin too many pieces at one time.  So I just do the ones that must be done and figure I'll make a new batch tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the absolute deadline to resin.
I finish and realize I have nothing big enough to cover the pieces. They must be covered or every stupid hair and dust bunny magically appears and lands on the wet resin.  Already a few pieces have a little dust on them.  So I improvise with a huge tupperware bin lid.
I walk away feeling really apprehensive about the batch.  But figure, a couple dust particles is not life or death so chillax.
About an hour ago, I walk in to check on them and to make sure my make shift cover didn't fall on them.  I pick one up. The resin isn't level.
I pick up another one...not level.
I pick up a third....not level.
The freakin' butcher paper is so crinkled that it created little hills and valleys and the freaking resin is drying crooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
of course it was every single one of the new pieces I was so excited about.

I could...could possibly...apply another coat of resin tomorrow.  The resin from tonight should be dry enough to do that. But I think I'm supposed to wait till it's fully cured.  Or I could go and bust my ass trying to prepare more wood and do everything over again in one night.

Or I could take this as another sign that prehaps I should just give up.  I hardly sell online anyway.  I'm so invested in this and I really want to be successful but it seems that no matter what I do or try or whatever, some challenge always comes up.  And I'm already exhausted from working at my day job, and being a wife and mother. 

I don't know. This is a long post eh? Just so frustrated.  I've been thinking a lot lately about quiting...and I guess this is making me think more


  1. Hang in there. For what it's worth, my wife gets lots of compliments on the pendant that I bought from your store. People love it.

  2. Push forward - and know you will learn from it - I understand the stress of preparing for a show. Chalk it up to part of the process and get through your show. Once you get through a few art shows it will get better, you will build leads and maybe even find some brick and mortar store fronts to carry your work. Etsy is a great homebase to send customers to reference your art. Your work is fantastic and a great price point - if you were in SD I would love some of it at our gallery..... Wishing you great success this weekend!

  3. I agree w/Pam. Keep going, make this show work as best you can and then use what you learn for the future. Success is not a one-time thing, it's a result of learning from your failures. Not that you're failing, because you're not. You know what I mean ...
