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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring means headaches

yea so I didn't make it into to craft show. I cried. a lot.
But I talked to some very talented local crafters who also didn't make it.  I think it was all about "who you know". Still a bit bitter but moving on. And sadly feel better to know I wasn't the only one.

I got accepted into the Reiman Garden's Art in the Garden in July.  My first "real"art show. I'm scared shitless.  I have a lot of work to do to prepare.  I'm waivering  about what to show.
Just the silver stuff....or the wood stuff. I think the wood stuff is different enough so I'll go with that.

I was a vendor at the First Annual Central Iowa Yoga Retreat last weekend. There were about 50 people there. I was really concerned about making any sales since no one was there to buy jewelry, only to get their down dogs on.  Surprisingly, I did pretty well!! I got a lot of feedback on my jewelry and sold 6 of 8 pairs of earrings.  I'm very happy. 

Oh....and I've had about 2 months worth of tension headaches.  Don't ever buy a new house and move while also trying to start a new business while working at a full time job you don't really enjoy while raising a 4 year old son. Just saying....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

the unknown

I sure do suck at this blogging crap.  Oh well....

So yesterday I was supposed to hear if I was accepted into a craft show that occurs once a month until November. So yes, I really want to be accepted.  I think I checked my email about once every 30 minutes, but it was probably more like once every 10 minutes. Then at about 10 pm, as I'm certain the fact I hadn't seen an email meant I wasn't accepted, a post comes out on facebook that we would know by today!! So today, I've checked my email once every 30 minutes.  2 more hours until I'm supposed to know.

I think if I'm not accepted I might cry... a lot.