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Monday, July 11, 2011

Still recovering

whew....I can't believe I survived that!!

First I go through major crying freak out over resin.
Then I have a marathon jewelry making day on Saturday.
Then Sunday...the big day. Ok it really wasn't THAT big of a deal. It was to me. It was my first ART show. Not craft, not yoga or business show. But a REAL honest to goodness ART show. So yea, it was a big deal for me.
So it starts with me and my sister/helper running late. I briefly thought to myself "this isn't starting well".
We start setting up, things are going well, the canopy is up. Our neighbors are so sweet and nice. Marilyn lives in central Iowa and makes beautiful baskets. 
We look to the west....its dark...really really dark.
The wind picks up, the lightening flashes and thunder booms. Down comes the rain.
OK, no big deal. The events director comes around and says the "shower" should last about an hour.  We continue to set up. The rain lets up and a few people start to straggle in.
So far, it's been 1 hour into the show.
I look to the's dark...really really dark.
This time the rain pours down, the wind is threatening to blow the canopy. The canopy is actually leaking. I have to throw my stuff on the table and cover it with the table cloth.
Jodi and I have to hold on to the tent poles because I was an idiot and forgot weights. We're soaked.
Hilarious start to the day.
The rain finally stops and we start re-setting up. People start coming through again.
It's pretty uneventful and fun for a few hours. People are interested in my jewelry and I get quite a few sales.
Then the heat and humidity set in. It seriously got 7 degrees hotter in 5 minutes. It slowly became oppressively hot. Soon there were only a few brave souls around and sales slowed to none.

All in all, it was an ok show.  I can't really complain about the sales. I know that if the weather was better, the sales would have been better.
I loved meeting and talking to everyone. Everyone was so nice. The volunteers working there were amazing. Someone came around about every 5 minutes to make sure we had cold water!

Sunday I learned that people do like my work. That maybe I should concentrate on the handpainted stuff cuz people really loved that stuff. and most importantly, don't sign up for shows in Iowa in the summer unless its in an air conditioned building!!

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