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Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 1- why am I doing this?

So the other day I asked myself and my faithful friends on Facebook if I should write a blog.
Most agreed...but only for Brussels Sprouts recipes and humor.
I can deliver on the Brussels Sprouts recipe but the humor may be a stretch at times.

So tonight I took the plunge...obviously.

So to start things off right I'll share my tried and true favorite Brussels Sprouts recipe (I can't abbreviate BS cuz that would be weird:  "my favorite BS recipe"?)

Trim brussels sprouts and cut in half (For the sprout virgins, trim off the stem, and peel a few leaves to reveal the clean pretty leaves inside)
Place sprouts in pan and add about 1-2 T of unsalted butter and veggie broth (or chicken), about 1 cup. The broth should reach about 1/2 way up the sprouts.
Crank up the heat to high, wait till in boils, put a lid on it and turn down to medium.  Cook until tender. A sharp knife should be able to pierce the sprout easily.
Now for the fun part....
Take off the lid and crank up the heat to high. Do not walk away. The broth/butter liquid will cook off and this is the time to quickly toss the sprouts so they don't burn. The sprouts are ready to eat when they're slightly browned (or really browned like I like 'em)

and now I'll sign off and think about what I could possibly write about in a blog...

Later Taters!


  1. Hmmm... a blog about Brussels Sprouts, and you end with "later tater"?

    "I'm out, sprouts" would have had more appeal.


    Gratz on your first blog entry, Jen. The first one is easy; it only gets harder. :(

  2. I said "I'll read yours if you read mine" so does that mean I have to do it to? :)

    My one piece of blogging advice: don't pressure yourself to write. When I blogged before, I always had this feeling like each entry had to be a masterpiece & it got to be like work so I quit. So just have fun!

  3. I saw the humor :) Still not sure about the sprouts...
