So I was at work the other day, bored, when I decided to check my Etsy page. You never know, one of these days I'm going to have a million sales in one day....or something like that.
Anyway, as usual, no orders. So I decided to browse the "featured" items on the front page.
and what do I see?
seriously. I did that a CYC camp when I was 10.
but here's the thing.....people were buying them!
Now I'm not gonna judge this individual artist cuz that ain't fair. Maybe I'm just jealous. But I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would pay $50 for a rock, painted with dots! and then add a butt load of shipping since rocks weigh a ton!
They were pretty.....but they were painted rocks.
So then I had to look for more painted rocks. I did find one cool seller who paints miniture animal paintings on little rocks. They're actually quite beautiful. THAT I could understand.
So I'm supposed to find my niche right? Like painted whatever.
I'm having the hardest time with that. I'm already bored with the headbands and fabric bobby pins.
Then I have coasters and paintings.
My Etsy page is like Art vomit. All the stuff I've been inspired by has been regurgitated.
So I guess I should just keep playing and "vomiting" and find the one thing I really love and then make that my niche?
Life is hard
If it's any consolation, I wish I had an ounce of the artistic talent that you have. And gosh those scrabble bobby pins are cute - too bad I wouldn't know how to pull of the look !